by Augusto Boal Forum Theatre Based on a
short scene of conflict with a clear "victim role", solutions
of change become rehearsed with the audience, starting from a situation
as it is, to change it as it could be. The audience takes on the role
of "victim" and tries from that position to solve the conflict.
Statue Theatre - Picture Theatre In the image theatre the participants
should non-verbally comment on an issue by presenting it through images
with your own body or the bodies of others.
Newspaper Theatre This
method works with texts (e.g. from newspapers). It is used to detect subliminal
messages, half-truths and manipulations. With the help of various reading
techniques it is attempted to disclose the subjectivity of the text, and to make it visible. An aim is to come closer to the political enlightenment. Augusto Boal and Regina Schreiber in 1999 in Vienna []Regina[]About
Me[]Curriculum vitae[]Interview[]Projects
up to now[]With children[]With
youngsters[]With adults[]Other
senior citizens[]With dementia-ill[]EU
theatre[]Improvisation theatre[]Motivation
training[]Creative dance[]Theatre
of the oppressed[]The topical[]Mirror
contribution[]Television contribution[]Trailer[]