German German

Regina Schreiber

Theatrical pedagogue and play pedagogue, Vienna



Such plays are developed after the methods of the biographical work, the historical research and the
theatrical educational theory.

Starting point is the telling, interest on it and reflexions of experiences. Then from the accumulated stories scenes are compiled.

Based on the concept of "life review" Pam Schweizer recognized the need from many people in age, to give a sense to their past life. Besides, reminding is the assurance of own identity and own value. (Osborn, Schweizer: Reminding - Instructions to the biography-work with old people").

By means of biographical work and the historical research the connection with their own past is attached and strengthened, and with the help of the theatre also for the audience is made accessible. The relationship between the private and the political, between personal everyday history and history is uncovered. This form of theatre encourages dialogue, within the older generation as well as between different generations.

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[]Regina[]About Me[]Curriculum vitae[]Interview[]Projects up to now[]With children[]With youngsters[]With adults[]Other projects up to now[]With senior citizens[]With dementia-ill[]EU projects[]Offers[]Reminiscent theatre[]Improvisation theatre[]Motivation training[]Creative dance[]Theatre of the oppressed[]The topical[]Mirror pictures[]Links[]Contact[]Film clip[]Radio contribution[]Television contribution[]Trailer[]