- After my education in theatrical educational
theory at the academy in Remscheid (Germany) and the education
in play educational theory and creative dance as an educational
and artistic movement design, I worked as a self-employed or employee
with people of different age or clientele.
- Careful, respectful and dignified interaction
with one another was and is important to me. I have tried to convey
these values in numerous courses, workshops and individual work.
As animals are also very close to my
heart, I decided in 2020 to complete an apprenticeship as an
animal trainer, where the therapeutic effect of the human /
animal relationship is specifically researched and practiced.
In addition, I am interested in quantum
physics, the brain and behavioral research, as well as telepathic
communication between humans and animals, which is also the
subject of my specialist work in training as an animal trainer.
and Breathing (Forum) Theatre (as
a PDF download)
Me[]Curriculum vitae[]Interview[]Projects
up to now[]With children[]With
youngsters[]With adults[]Other
senior citizens[]With
dementia-ill[]EU projects[]Offers[]Reminiscent
theatre[]Motivation training[]Creative
dance[]Theatre of
the oppressed[]The topical[]Mirror
contribution[]Television contribution[]Trailer[]