German German

Regina Schreiber

Theatrical pedagogue and play pedagogue, Vienna


Rainbow dance in the senior citizen's hostel "Stadtwald", St. Pölten

Art project with dementia changed persons

From June to September in 2010 were in five workshops with the methods of creative dance and the movement theatre, together with staff and seniors, short moving stories created and presented as dance.
Through a mindful and sensitive handling of all, this experience was "Dance" for all parties involved beautiful and sensual encounter.

Management and directed by Regina Schreiber

Organisation and financing: Astrid Bauer


Reminiscent theatre in the senior citizen's hostel "Haus Neustadt" in Wels

City of Wels (as a PDF download)

(Newspaper article in German)

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[]Regina[]About Me[]Curriculum vitae[]Interview[]Projects up to now[]With children[]With youngsters[]With adults[]Other projects up to now []With senior citizens[]With dementia-ill[]EU projects[]Offers[]Reminiscent theatre[]Improvisation theatre[]Motivation training[]Creative dance[]Theatre of the oppressed[]The topical[]Mirror pictures[]Links[]Contact[]Film clip[]Radio contribution[]Television contribution[]Trailer[]