German German

Regina Schreiber

Theatrical pedagogue and play pedagogue, Vienna

Improvisation theatre is to slip with little or no specifications in roles, to act and react in the play with the unpredictable. With this method the confidence is trained and strengthened to trust his internal impulses and to follow. Requirement is an absolute presence in the here and now, to perceive himself and his players, and to develop together a play without any arrangement and no foreseeable end.
In improvising, it is especially important to accept a play idea introduced by someone as an offer, to say in addition "yes" to develop his own "play-river" then from it. If between players the offers and reactions are transfered fluently and everyone works equally in this contex, might arise from the audience the impression, that there is a "rehearsed" scene.

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[]Regina[]About Me[]Curriculum vitae[]Interview[]Projects up to now[]With children[]With youngsters[]With adults[]Other projects up to now[]With senior citizens[]With dementia-ill[]EU projects[]Offers[]Reminiscent theatre[]Improvisation theatre[]Motivation training[]Creative dance[]Theatre of the oppressed[]The topical[]Mirror pictures[]Links[]Contact[]Film clip[]Radio contribution[]Television contribution[]Trailer[]